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Guide for new band parents

How will my child be able to balance both band and school at the same time? 


How will our children have the time to go to rehearsals three days a week after school, perform at several Friday night football games, and compete on Saturdays? How will they have the time to do all of this, within a short time span, and keep up their grades??


TIME MANAGEMENT will be the most important tool that your children will learn by becoming a member of the West Lincoln High School Bands. Each member understands that by making the committment they must spend every minute of their day wisely. Time outside of rehearsals must be dedicated to doing homework and keeping up with their classes. Parents will learn that students tend to use the band room as a santuary for not only music, but as a study hall to complete their homework when not in rehearsal. This culture is supported by band members and often stimulates other students to take care of their work during free time. Remember that most band members are Honors and AP students. 


Your student will learn how to manage a schedule, how to be punctual, and how to set priorities. In our program, we establish a saying that applies to any situation in life. That saying is:


“Early is on time, on time is late!”


This means that we expect all students to come prepared to start  rehearsal at the given time. This means that all materials and necessities are taken care of prior. Always plan to arrive at least 15 min before the scheduled time!!


At the beginning of the marching band season, students will be given a detailed schedule for the fall semester. It will list every rehearsal, parade, football game, and competition your student will be required to attend for the fall semester. You can also view this schedule here on our West Lincoln Band Website. We highly suggest that you acquire a copy of the schedule for your refrigerator!


Finally, your child will learn how to set priorities. 

Rebel Bands   -    Lincolnton, NC

© 2021 by West Lincoln HS Band 

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