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F.A.Q. (Frequently asked questions)

Q. What kind of music do you play?

A. The WLHS concert band plays a diverse selection of music that can be classified into Grades III - VI state literature. In addition to our concert pieces, students will have the opportunity to play holiday music, pep tunes, marching band show music and a diverse selection of jazz music. Our band travels and has played for many events including parades which gives all of our students a fantastic opportunity to play across various genres of music. 

Q. What are fun things that we do?

A. The bands of West Lincoln are always involved and stay very busy. This is what makes band fun and interesting! Our competitive marching band travels to all football games to play as a pep band and perform our Half Time show. On weekends during the fall, the marching band travels to compete in 4-5 competitions across the State of NC. In addition to the competive marching, our band also marches in local parades during various holidays and to support local groups. During concert season (Spring Semester) our concert ensembles travel to perform at a state sponsored MPA (Music Performance Adjudication) Festival. The jazz band will often play various small concerts for events or for fun throughout the semester, in addition to competing in a State Festival for Jazz. 


Being involved in the program gives you the opportunity to make long-lasting relationships in West Lincoln High School's largest student organization. Working hard and showing dedication as a part of a large group will prove to be the MOST rewarding and fun experience of your high school career!

Q. Can being in band help you get into college?

A. YES YES YES!  College admissions include participation in music programs as an important factor in making admissions decisions. Admission officers claim that music participation demonstrates time management, creativity, expression, and open-mindedness. The following quotes are from the Dean of Admissions at THE two best schools in our country. We feel if music involvement is considered by admissions officers at Harvard and Yale… it’s certainly considered by admissions officers at Duke, Carolina, NC State and any other NC School.



The Arts are clearly an integral part of life at Harvard and Radcliffe, important for their value to the college environment and also for the potential they provide for lifelong enrichment. In addition to academic criteria, therefore, we always consider extracurricular talents and personal strengths when we evaluate a candidate’s credentials. We look for students whose previous participation in the arts shows that they can make a substantial contribution to our community.”

- William R. Fitzsimmons ~ Dean of Admissions, Harvard University



“Qualifications for admission to Yale College include not only the reasonably well-defined areas of academic achievement and special skill in non-academic areas, but also the less tangible qualities of capacity for involvement: commitment and personal growth. The musical arts offer remarkable opportunities for the exercise of these qualities. The highly skilled artist, the student whose intellectual interests include close study of the arts, and the many applicants who demonstrate motivation and the willingness to extend their reach through participation in the arts, all promise to enhance the quality of life at Yale.”

- Worth David ~ Dean of Admissions, Yale University


Q. Is it possible to fit band in all four years, and still take the required classes?

A. It is DEFINITELY possible to take band all four years and take all the necessary classes. Many of our band students are ranked in the very top of their class and still have time to take band each semester. Many of our band students have been accepted into major Universities across the U.S. and North Carolina. Taking 4 years of band can help boost your GPA by earning Honors Credit. 


For more detailed information about how to plan your High School Schedule, please check out this Sample Student Schedule to see how YOU can make it possible!

Q. Is band a year-round course?

A. Yes. For each academic year, there are 8 “slots” that are to be filled with classes, 4 classes per semester. Band will be 1 of the “slots” for each semester. PLEASE NOTE THAT BAND IS A  YEARLONG  COMMITMENT (2 Semesters per year). For specific questions or problems, please see Mr. Brown or your student’s individual counselor at West Lincoln.


*Review the Scheduling for Band link to see how to make this work in your schedule. 

Q. Can I be in band and sports?

A. Yes! In fact, many of the students in the West Lincoln Band are in at least one sport and the directors of the band program believe that it is important to participate in more than just one activity during your high school tenure. The only sports that create conflicts are boys soccer and football in the fall (conflict is for Marching Band only – no conflicts with concert band). If you are interested in participating in Boys Soccer or Football, please contact Mr. Brown on how to make this work. IT IS POSSIBLE!!!

Q. Do you have time to take AP courses if you are in band?

A. Yes! There are several band students that are enrolled in one or more AP or Honors courses. Band students are eligible for Honors Credit multiple semesters as well. Students should balance their schedule and be cautious when over-scheduling AP courses. It is healthy and wise to challenge yourself, but not so much that you become over-worked. 

Q. Is marching band fun?

A. Absolutely! The Marching Band at West Lincoln is by far the largest student organization at the school. Students will tell you that they wouldn't be a part of this organization if it weren't fun and rewarding! Although marching band is a lot of work and takes much dedication, the family and bonding that happens between students creates an amazing experience for each mermber. Our band constantly stays busy with football games, competitions, parades, and traveling to various places across the state. Trips with the West Lincoln Band are some of the most memorable for students in the Marching Band!

Q. What is the band community like?

A. The West Lincoln Band community is one of the most supportive and welcoming organizations at the high school. We have areas of all of our programs that any member can feel truly valued and respected as they work together for a common goal while uniting as successful leaders and musicians. Due to our peer-supported and student-led marching band, students get to truly own their experiences with the band and feel a sense of accomplishment that is hard to find anywhere else! In addition to our students, our parents tend to create a supportive and fun community that comes together in fantastic ways to support the band. 

Q. How do I join Marching Band?

A.There will be an informational meeting in the spring of each year for both parents and students that will outline everything you need to know about joining the marching band. Students who have not been in the Marching Band before must attend the “Rookie Training” events that are held in the spring as well (May 4th - 8th, 2015). Intent Forms for the Marching Band are due in May. Students who join after that deadline may be placed in the band as an alternate. If you have an interest in joining please have a conversation with Mr. Brown!

Q. Do I have to go to band camp if I am in the Marching Band?

A. Yes! Band Camp is MANDATORY for all students in the marching band. Exceptions will only be made in extreme circumstances. Band Camp is when the majority of the field show is taught and 100% attendance of all students involved is crucially important to the success fo the band. Students who are not able to attend band camp will not be guaranteed a placed in the marching band as alternates. Please plan your summer vacation accordingly.

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